Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Samsung's new Galaxy Tabs

Looks like Samsung will out do Apple's iPad 2 when it comes to size, weight and price of their new Galaxy Tab tablets. It didn't take long. Assuming the pace of improvement keeps up, the iPad 2 will be severely out spec'd come Christmas. Not really surprising given this was already happening in the phone space.

I have played a bit with the Zoom and I can tell that, despite the bulky hardware, the UI simply flies and it's a real joy to use. But I will reserve judgment until I have used both Honeycomb and the iPad 2 more extensively (my iPad 2 is in the mail).

So, assuming the OS lives up to its full potential, it will be up to the apps available for each platform. In that regards, I have to agree with Scobble and give it to the iOS. It's a blood bath at the moment (that was, in fact, the reason why I bought myself an iPad 2).

Hopefully the maturing of the platform and its increasing reach will convince enough high quality developers to write for Android.

Amazon's Appstore

Lots of interesting stuff going on at the Android front at the moment.

The Amazon Appstore is a significant milestone, in my opinion. I installed it yesterday and it's a beautiful piece of software.

They have a lot of room to improve upon and differentiate themselves from the Android Market. Contrary to some analysts' view of how it will compete against Google, I think it will complement the Market quite nicely and become a mandatory app on every Android device.

The argument that multiple markets is confusing underestimates the intelligence of users and highlights the difference between Google's and Apple's approach to design (distributed vs. centralized).

Things will get even more interesting if Amazon decides to go with Android on future iterations of the Kindle. With their amazing cloud platform and retail reach, Amazon could become a real Android powerhouse. If this was ever to happen, it would catapult the platform to new levels.